Monday, November 29, 2010

P Family Sneak Peak

I love this family! Not only is Mom one of my closest friends, but the littlest one and my little one love to play together and their oldest one is the best babysitter EVER! My kids love her!  Can’t wait for them to see the rest of the photos.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

The S Family Sneak Peak

This was seriously one of the best sessions EVER! Even though we could NOT get this cute baby to sleep for anything, I was so impressed with Mom and Dad.  Not only were they wonderful first-time parents, but they were absolutely fabulous to work with.  Thank you S family for inviting me to capture this special time in your lives.  I felt honored to be there.

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

What to wear to your fall/winter photo sessions

Here are a few suggestions to get your wheels turning.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Baby Caden Sneak Peak

Remember Mama R? Look at this cute bundle of joy! He was the sweetest little thing.  Just sleepin’ away!

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The “B” Family

This mom and I have been trying to get a session scheduled for months and something always got in the way.  While we were fortunately able to finally meet last night, our light didn’t hold out on us for very long (darn daylight savings!) and chasing around 2 boys under the age of two didn’t bode well.  But we did get one great shot that they can atleast put on a Christmas card.  We’ll “finish” our session after the holidays when things slow down a bit.

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Baby Smith – Sneak Peak


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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mama R Maternity Shoot – McKinney Maternity Photographer

This mom-to-be is one of my closest friends and asked to remain anonymous. I wish I could show you the rest of her session because it was GORGEOUS! I was so excited when she asked me to do her maternity shoot.  Can’t wait to see this little guy when he comes…and she’s at the hospital RIGHT NOW!!!!DSC_0865  DSC_0925   DSC_0988       DSC_1153